Dupa counter strike source a fost lansat jocul cs global offensive. Steam community guide setari pentru counterstrike 1. Go is a firstperson shooter video game which is a part of. In acest cs gasiti servere online cu toate modurile pe care le doriti. Astfel putem observa ca magnum sniper este cea mai puternica arma din joc. Choose whether to play normal mode, put the bomb, or rescue the hostage. Multi jucatori activi din toata lumea joaca cs 2d regulat. Counter strike online is a client dedicated exclusively to the mythic online shooter. Sep 07, 2017 this feature is not available right now. Condition zero, counter strike soruce, counter strike. Daca va cere cdkey completati toate campurile cu aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Developed by valve corporation, the game is only available on a multiplayer mode for microsoft windows, mac os x, and linux.
It also offers a zombie mode, in which youll take the role of a zombie who has to infect the rest of enemies. Descarca o versiune buna a jocului counter strike 1. Counterstrike 2d este o clona a jocului shooter counterstrike. Va recomand calduros sa nu le folositi pentru ca va intra in obisnuinta, jucati counter curat. Acesta a fost tabelul ce cuprinde absolut toate armele din jocul counter strike 1. Counterstrike cs is a series of multiplayer firstperson shooter video games, in which teams of terrorists battle to perpetrate an act of terror bombing. Jocuri cu pistoale online joaca jocuri cu pistoale. Deci, counterstrike dezvoltatorii sau adunat toate cuno. Jocul counterstrike 2d contine toate armele din counterstrike.
Comunidad steam guia setari pentru counterstrike 1. Ii foarte tare cs imi place ca are aproape toate armele din cs go. Download counterstrike 2d resurse counter strike 1. If you have ever played the original counter strike 1. Csul nu are lag sau buguri iar descarcarea este rapida.
Jocul a fost dezvoltat intro serie ce cuprinde counter strike. Oct 28, 2010 3 mergeti in folderul gldrv in counterstrike, deobicei este localizat in steam\steamapps\numele contului\counterstrike\gldrv. Engage in an incredibly realistic brand of terrorist warfare in this wildly popular. Arata minunat, pentru ca e facut sa functioneze minunat.
353 126 1322 848 77 1262 645 619 946 1266 1109 621 1234 614 57 1154 465 123 1597 1293 959 1466 626 1378 329 187 70 1025 219 569 448 1345 1316 122 1599 119 345 766 635 376 543 159 561 1372 1087 1266 1033 997